Lurch Deductive Engine

Tutorial: Constructing LCs

Constructing LCs

This tutorial covers how to construct Logic Concepts (LCs) in your own code, in a variety of ways. Other tutorials cover what you can do with LC instances once you've created them:

(Each piece of sample code below is written as if it were a script sitting in the root folder of this source code repository, and run from there with the command-line tools node. If you place your scripts in another folder, you will need to adjust the path in each import statement accordingly. If you have not yet set up a copy of this repository with the appropriate Node.js version installed, see our GitHub README, which explains how to do so.)

Putdown notation

The standard way to write an LC is in "putdown" notation, the details of which are documented here. The following code shows how you can use that notation to create LCs, and use that same notation to print them as well.

import { LogicConcept } from './src/index.js'

const threeLCs = LogicConcept.fromPutdown( 'x (f x y) { :A B C }' )
console.log( threeLCs[0].toPutdown() )
console.log( threeLCs[1].toPutdown() )
console.log( threeLCs[2].toPutdown() )
// Console output:
(f x y)
{ :A B C }

Notice that fromPutdown() return an array of results. It's very tempting, when constructing just one LC, to forget this, and write some code like this:

let x = LogicConcept.fromPutdown( 'x' )  // oops!  x is an array!

// This is the correct way instead:
x = LogicConcept.fromPutdown( 'x' )[0]  // lift out the first result

But it is also possible to construct specific types of Logic Concepts directly, using constructors for subclasses, as shown below.

Of course, if you would like to use the common abbreviation LC instead of the lengthier LogicConcept, you can either assign const LC = LogicConcept after importing, or use the JavaScript syntax import { LogicConcept as LC } from './src/index.js' in the first place.

Constructing specific subclasses

The only unexpected thing here is that the src/index.js file does not expose the Symbol class with the name Symbol, because there is already a Symbol concept defined in JavaScript that means something entirely different. So while we do define a Symbol class, as you can see by following that link to its documentation, we expose it under the name LurchSymbol instead, so that both the original JavaScript notion and our Lurch-specific notion both remain available, neither overwriting the other.

The code below shows how to create every specific type of LC. We print them using the toPutdown() member function, because the generic string representation of JavaScript objects is not useful here.

As you can see, the code is much less concise than creating LCs from putdown notation, as above. Hence this method is less elegant, but sometimes useful when you need to put a specific object that you've already created into a new LC hierarchy at a specific location.

import { LurchSymbol } from './src/index.js'

// Make a rather large symbol
const S = new LurchSymbol( 'any text can be a symbol' )
console.log( S.toPutdown() )
// Console output:
"any text can be a symbol"

import { Application } from './src/index.js'

// Make the mathematical expression f(y)
const f = new LurchSymbol( 'f' )
const y = new LurchSymbol( 'y' )
const A = new Application( f, y )
console.log( A.toPutdown() )
// Console output:
(f y)

import { BindingExpression } from './src/index.js'

// Make the mathematical expression ∀y.P
const forall = new LurchSymbol( 'forall' )
const P = new LurchSymbol( 'P' )
const B = new Application( forall,
    new BindingExpression( y.copy(), P ) ) // see comment below
console.log( B.toPutdown() )
// Console output:
(forall y , P)

Why did we use y.copy() when creating the binding above, rather than just y? Note that y is a specific symbol that is already sitting in the LC tree called A declared earlier. If we were to construct a new Binding B containing y, then we would necessarily be removing y from the A hierarchy in which it sits to place it inside the B hierarchy. Thus A would inadvertently (and somewhat surprisingly) be modified just by our creation of B! This is obviously not desired, so we make a copy of y instead. This is another pitfall that can be avoided by using putdown notation, except of course in those cases where you actually want to put a specific instance of x into a specific hierarchy.

import { Declaration } from './src/index.js'

// Make the mathematical phrase "Let y be a constant such that P(y)."
const D = new Declaration( Declaration.Constant,
    [ y.copy() ], // can be an array of several variables to declare at once
    new Application( P.copy(), y.copy() ) )
console.log( D.toPutdown() )
// Console output:
            throw new Error( 'Too many arguments to Declaration constructor: '

Error: Too many arguments to Declaration constructor: expected 2, got 3
    at new Declaration (file:///Users/monks/Dropbox/files/monkware/git/lde/src/declaration.js:73:19)
    at file:///Users/monks/Dropbox/files/monkware/git/lde/
    at (node:internal/modules/esm/module_job:198:25)
    at async Promise.all (index 0)
    at async ESMLoader.import (node:internal/modules/esm/loader:409:24)
    at async loadESM (node:internal/process/esm_loader:85:5)
    at async handleMainPromise (node:internal/modules/run_main:61:12)

Node.js v18.4.0

import { Environment } from './src/index.js'

// Place copies of the preceding four expressions in an environment
const E = new Environment( S.copy(), A.copy(), B.copy(), D.copy() )
console.log( E.toPutdown() )